A Note from Risa


The number of applicants and acceptances we have had in SC over the years has changed with the tides. When I first started doing ASC work over 30 years ago, South Carolina had at most 60 applicants per year. Our number of applicants has risen with the overall pool applying to Princeton which has increased exponentially.

The most applicants we have ever seen totaled 230 a few years ago, but generally our applicants number around 160 state-wide. Our acceptance rate has not altered drastically through the years, and has mostly been a bit below the overall % (which I believe has now dropped to under 6%). Last year we had 150 applicants with 6 acceptances. Only 1 of the 6 matriculated and she was the daughter of an alum from Columbia.

It is easy for ASC interviewers to get discouraged when they speak to a fabulous candidate only to see them denied admission. But at the end of the day, we are more like ambassadors to these students — representing our alma mater with the enthusiasm it deserves and reporting back to the Admissions Office about what makes these kids special.