Club News

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  • The Footnotes Island Style!

    9.1.23 The Princeton Footnotes returned for their 15th Performance on Hilton Head.

  • A Coast to Coast Toast!

    4.4.23 The Princeton Club of Hilton Head enjoyed a multi-club sparkling wine tasting led by Lisa Drakeman *88. Watch the video and sip along! Download the tasting notes.

  • The Civil War

    3.11.23 Professor Guelzo, Director of the Initiative on Politics and Statesmanship at the James Madison Program at Princeton University, spoke to the Princeton Club of Hilton Head about his award-winning work on the Civil War.

  • Sommelier Secrets of Blind Tastings

    1.25.23 Enjoy a behind the scenes look at what blind tasting wine is all about in this multi-club seminar led by our club president Dr. Lisa Drakeman. Download the handout for an easy reference guide to tasting wines for fun and enjoyment.

  • Postcards to Alumni

    12.22.22 Postcards to Alumni, a collection of monthly digital postcards featuring unique facts about Princeton’s history, are being introduced by the Alumni Council’s Princetoniana and Communications and Technology (CAT) Committees who collaborated on the project. Credit for the overall postcard design belongs to CAT Committee member (and PCHHI member!) Cindy Drakeman ’02.

  • Orange and Black Day 2022

    10.22.22 The Princeton Club of Hilton Head celebrated Princeton’s 276th birthday in style at the second annual Orange and Black Day

  • Princeton Club of HHI honored with the APGA Regional Association Award!

    9.10.22 Awarded annually by the APGA Board of Governors to a Princeton Regional Association that deserves special recognition for increasing participation of Princeton graduate alumni in its regional activities and/or fostering the cause of a graduate education and the Graduate School at Princeton University. The club formally received the award at our annual holiday luncheon in December.

  • Princeton Footnotes HHI

    The Footnotes Return in Person

    8.31.22 The Princeton Club of Hilton Head was delighted to welcome back The Princeton Footnotes for an in person concert at the Sea Pines Country Club!

  • Return to Woodstock with Joel Rosenman '63

    5.11.22 The Princeton Club of Hilton Head welcomed Joel Rosenman ’63 for a behind the scenes look at how Woodstock came to be, and the extraordinary measures he undertook to keep it going all weekend.

  • Club Technology Chair, Cindy Drakeman '02, Named to Princeton's Communications and Technology (CAT) Committee

    3.18.22 The Communications and Technology Committee’s mission is to ensure that all alumni have the most fruitful, productive and effective means to communicate with the university, alumni organizations, other alumni and current undergraduates.

  • From Breakthrough to Blockbuster: The Business of Biotechnology

    3.16.22 Authors, biotech entrepreneurs, and alumni Dr. Lisa Drakeman *88 and Dr. Don Drakeman *88 share insights from their new book recently published by Oxford University Press (2022). Watch the video to find out if you have the traits to be a successful entrepreneur!

  • The Best Wine from the Best Somms!

    2.9.22 The Princeton Clubs of New England, New York, Northern California, and Hilton Head tried a selection of wines served by Ronan Sayburn, MS, Head of the Court of Master Sommeliers and his Best of London Somm team at the acclaimed 67 Pall Mall private club. Hilton Head Club President Lisa Drakeman *88 led the tasting.

    Click here to download the tasting notes.

  • Looking for Life Beyond Earth with Seth Shostack '65

    11.8.21 The Princeton Club of Hilton Head spoke with Seth Shostack '65, Senior Astronomer at SETI, about the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

  • Princeton Club of HHI Celebrates Princeton's 275th Birthday!

    10.22.21 Club members enjoyed a raucous celebration that included a singing tiger, specialty cupcakes, university trivia, and spectacular fireworks. Happy Birthday, Princeton!

  • Princeton Celebrates Constitution Day with a Blockbuster Lecture by Our Own Don Drakeman*88

    9.22.21 Donald L. Drakeman *88, Distinguished Research Professor in the Program in Constitutional Studies at the University of Notre Dame gave the inaugural Antonin Scalia Constitution Day Lecture at Princeton on September 22.

  • A Toast for the Old Guard!

    8.26.21 The Princeton Club of Hilton Head celebrates its most distinguished members - the Old Guard, composed of graduates from the great classes of 1950, 1953, 1954, 1955, and the newly inducted class of 1956.

  • The Footnotes Live on HHI!

    8.26.21 The Princeton Footnotes return to Hilton Head for their annual warm up week and concert for the Princeton Club of Hilton Head. Their first live concert since March 2020.

  • 2021 Awards Ceremony!

    6.17.21 The Princeton Club of Hilton Head received the Princeton Club of San Antonio Award and the Committee on Regional Associations (CORA) award for Innovation at a special virtual awards presentation.

  • The Club Celebrates with an Italian Wine Tasting

    6.17.21 Certified Sommelier and Club President Lisa Drakeman *88 led club members in a celebratory tasting of three delicious Italian Wines.

    Click here to download the tasting notes.

  • Princeton Club of Hilton Head named most innovative regional club in the world!

    5.21.21 The club was doubly honored in 2021 when it received the Committee of Regional Associations (CORA) Award for Innovation, which “is given in recognition of associations who have developed new and innovative programming.”

  • Princeton Club of Hilton Head named best regional club in the world!

    5.11.21 The club received the prestigious Princeton Club of San Antonio Award in 2021, which “is given annually in recognition of general excellence in regional alumni activities to associations and clubs with fewer than 300 members.

  • Club President Lisa Drakeman *88 elected to the Alumni Council Executive Committee

    5.21.21 Lisa was elected at the Alumni Council Annual Meeting on May 21, 2021. She will serve as one of ten regional association officers for a two year term and will also sit on the Committee of Regional Associations.

  • Club President Lisa Drakeman profiled on the Princeton Alumni website

    5.17.21 Lisa Drakeman *88 salutes challenges and generations of Princetonians, by Maria A. LoBiondo

  • Old Guard member and Club Cane Bearer Bill Gilbert ’50 featured in the PAW

    5.12.21 Einstein in his rocking chair, by Bill Gilbert ’50

  • Princeton Club of HHI takes a Journey to Spain for its virtual spring party!

    4.8.21 Certified Sommelier and Club President Lisa Drakeman *88 led club members in a wine tasting of delicious selections from Spain.

    Click here to download the tasting notes.

  • UPDATE 8.13.21 : 4 South Carolina Students join the Great Class of 2025

    5 South Carolina Applicants Admitted to the Great Class of 2025 March, 2021

    4% of state applicants were accepted, which mirrors the national acceptance rate.

  • Celebrated Chef Nathalie Dupree shares her wisdom and inspiration

    3.11.21 The Princeton Clubs of Hilton Head and Charleston jointly sponsored this event with a low country legend.

  • High Stakes Tennis and High Fashion Shoes with Stan Smith S’73 P’03 and Margie Gengler Smith ’73 P’03

    11.12.2020 Club members and tennis aces Stan and Margie share a lifetime of stories about Princeton, tennis, shoes, and Hilton Head in this engaging fireside chat.

  • Club Member and tennis legend Margie Gengler Smith ’73 P’03 featured on podcast celebrating 50 years of women’s athletics at Princeton

    October, 2020 The First 50 Podcast - The Women that Started it All

  • Artist David Chamberlain ’71 Led Virtual Studio Tour and Art Demonstration

    10.15.2020 Members of the Princeton Clubs of HHI, Savannah, and Rochester enjoyed a unique view into the life of a working artist.

  • World War II veterans get a Hilton Head salute 70 years after end of the war

    11.8.2015 “Twenty-two were cited at a luncheon at the Sea Pines Country Club presented by the Princeton Club of Hilton Head.”

    Click here to view the event flier

  • Princeton Club of Hilton Head relaunches with great enthusiasm

    1.12.12 Don *88 and Lisa Drakeman *88 host a night to remember featuring the Princeton Footnotes and 100 local tigers.